BNB DE MOERBEI wins golden zoover award

BnB De Moerbei wint 2x gouden Zoover Award » BnB De Moerbei Texel

BNB DE MOERBEI is one of the  best accommodations of the Netherlands

De Cocksdorp, Texel 10-1-2018


Today, on the Tourism and Leisure Fair holiday fair in Utrecht, the Zoover Awards for accommodations were presented. BnB De Moerbei won 2 Golden Zoover Awards. Throughout 2017 tourists left many reviews to share their experiences and help other tourists finding a perfect holiday accommodation.



During the festive award presentation the top 10 of each category was present to receive the award. The consumer rewarded BnB De Moerbei with a 9,7!

“We have been running our B&B since 1,5 years now and have done our utmost to turn it into a B&B we would like to visit ourselves. We have set the bar high and are very pleased to receive a Golden Zoover Award!”


for everyone, for disabled people as well

Our dream came true as we, together with our son Lucas, moved to this wonderful monumental building to start a Bed & Breakfast. De Moerbei offers three double rooms, one of them is a disabled-friendly room, as we believe there is great demand for it. Disabled people should also be able to enjoy a lovely weekend or a couple of days on the fantastic island Texel.

We already visited Texel regularly. The island offers peace, space and an incredible beautiful nature. It is one of the reasons we started our BnB here. In addition, the parents of Esther own of a bungalow park in De Cocksdorp. Since January we have been joint owners. This bungalow park ’t Eibernest offers a 6-person house, suitable for disabled people and wheelchairs as well. We know from experience that there is a great demand for disabled-friendly accommodations. For this reason we have created one room especially for disabled people and wheelchairs. This room, De Alba, is situated on the ground floor, with parking place in front of the door and an extremely spacious, adjusted, bathroom (Click here for more tips for disabled people on Texel)


ORANge and golden awards

The best-rated accommodations received a Golden Award. All accommodations that scored an 8 or higher, received an Orange Zoover Award. This year, a new Award was introduced: The ‘Zoover Award Gold per region’, an award for the best-rated accommodation in the northern part of the Netherlands. BnB De Moerbei won this award and is one of the 5 best accommodations of the Netherlands!

For a survey of all winners, please check


About the Zoover Awards
Each year the Zoover Awards are presented to reward the best-rated accommodations in the Netherlands and Europe. By simply enabling guests to leave a review on the website, the accommodation has a chance to win the award. All reviews of the year 2017 were taken into account. On 10th January 2018 the Awards were presented.

Zoover Awards » BnB De Moerbei Texel
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+ Award!

Norbert en Esther Dekker

2017 » BnB De Moerbei Texel
Banner gold gold » BnB De Moerbei Texel


Per 1 maart 2016 krijgen wij de sleutel van dit statige pand in de Cocksdorp.

Na de verbouwing wordt het een prachtige BnB. Verwachte opening 1 mei 2016

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